February Challange - Raise Your vibration

Letting go of your crap

February Challenge - Raise your vibration, all about letting go all the crap you are holding on , the things that weighing you down.

I have recently done this my self it was amazing and then doing a fire ceremony and just burn it and saying this no longer serves me anymore.

Letting go of the emotional baggage that you are holding onto can have a huge impact on raising your vibration or increasing your overall sense of well-being. When you release negative emotions, you create room for positive energy to flow freely. Holding onto things that no longer serve you can weigh you down both mentally and emotionally, hindering your ability to attract positive experiences into your life. By letting go, you release attachment to the past and open yourself up to new opportunities and growth.

When you release what no longer serves you, you free up energy that was previously tied to those emotions. This newfound energy can be redirected towards pursuits that align with your goals and values, allowing you to operate at a higher frequency or vibration. By decluttering emotional state, you create a sense of lightness and clarity that can elevate your mood and outlook on life. Ultimately, letting go can help you attract more positivity, abundance, and joy into your life.

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