My Journey so far

New beginings and new chapters

Looking out across the ocean, I pause to reflect on another therapy session. The never-ending paperwork from ACC, along with the relentless questions and revisiting since the end of January, has been truly exhausting. Sometimes, I feel like I'm drowning in it all.

Surviving domestic violence is just the beginning of your journey. When you leave such a situation, it marks the start of a new chapter – a story of self-discovery, reclaiming your voice and identity, relearning self-love, recognizing your value, elevating your standards, and crucially, seeking therapy and support. These steps involve understanding your experience, healing past wounds, trauma, comprehending the impact of domestic violence, and holding onto hope that you will overcome this challenging time.

The severity of my domestic violence situation was alarming. I honestly believed back then but knowing it now that if I hadn't left when I did, I wouldn't be here today. Reflecting on that moment made me realize how serious the situation was. When you're in that environment, it's hard to see clearly; it's only when you step away and analyze it that things start to make sense. Many of us remain in a constant state of fight or flight, even after leaving. This realization has been crucial in my healing process.

Here is what im learning and the things they dont you tell you about when you leave

  • Embarking on this journey is personal to you, and discussing it is the first step towards healing.

  • Realizing this journey necessitates support, therapy, significant personal development, and a strong commitment from yourself.

  • The long-term impact on your body and the toll it can have on your mental well-being. Each emotion, feeling, physical scars, and emotional scars contribute to your overall well-being and influence the recovery process.

  • It has been comforting to acknowledge my mental illness, understand why I have it, grasp PTSD, and learn how to manage it.

  • Learning to let go of that past life and the person you used to be.

  • How much strength it takes to pull you out of that dark hole

  • The people and things you once knew start to disappear, fading into distant memories.

  • Some days can feel incredibly lonely.

  • Learning to reduce the fight-or-flight response and understanding that you are safe.

  • Accountability may not have been something we asked for, but it's important to take ownership of our actions and work towards healing to break free from negative habits.

  • The individuals we attract or invite into our lives can sometimes be connected to our upbringing and unresolved issues that require attention.

  • We all carry unresolved issues within us, and sometimes these unresolved parts impact us, whether we acknowledge them or not.

I started this journey in May 2021 and it has been by far the hardest journey, at the begining i was in constant battle with myself and it was honestly easier to go back to what in knew and what ever crazy thoughts i had back then, im honestly so proud of myself and the people i have a met along the way each person has played a role in my life and the more i trust the process and the more i heal life just gets better.


Toxic habits to let go


March Madness, 30 days of habits