March Madness

March Madness is starting! Can you believe we're already in the third month of the year? Stay tuned to my blog this month to see what's coming up next.

Its all on in March 30 days of habits, if you want a habit tracker to help you keep you accountable let me know ill email you one.

Establishing healthy habits in the next month can greatly enhance your overall well-being. Habits are routines we perform automatically, and by concentrating on cultivating beneficial habits, you can boost your physical and mental health. Begin by defining precise, attainable objectives for the habits you wish to form. Whether it involves increasing water intake, exercising consistently, ensuring adequate sleep, or consuming more fruits and vegetables, clear goals will keep you focused and motivated.

Consistency plays a crucial role in habit formation, so integrating new behaviors into your daily routine is key. Establish a schedule or utilize reminders to ensure you engage in your habits daily. Maintain motivation and acknowledge your achievements throughout the process. Seek out supportive individuals who can motivate you and help you stay on track. Developing habits requires time and patience, so be kind to yourself and remain dedicated to your objectives. By concentrating on cultivating healthy habits for the next month, you pave the way for long-term success and a healthier lifestyle.

This month, I will be sharing my story about my personal experience living with mental health challenges, my PTSD diagnosis, and offering insights into what I am discovering in therapy. I will also discuss my significant health struggles impacting my well-being. It is crucial to have open conversations about mental health because it is okay not to feel okay. Remember, having mental health issues does not determine who you are; you will be okay, and there is always hope.

Look forward to getting to know you this month and dont forget to follow and subscribe



The unhealed & The crazy Brain


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