“A tale of Personal growth and solo adventures”

March has been adventure alright as i reflect my life has been like autumn for me so many changes and letting go of things.

Autumn is a time for reflection, much like those periods in our lives. It allows us to slow down, to contemplate life as we watch leaves transform and then gently fall to the ground. This season reminds us of the beauty that can be found in letting go, encouraging us to release old habits or thoughts that no longer serve us, much like trees shedding their leaves. It's a natural cycle of renewal and regeneration, suggesting that after every period of loss or change, there is the potential for new growth and beginnings, even if it may not feel it.

I have found some essential insights regarding my current situation and the future direction of my life. What astonishes me is how the body reacts to trauma, the complexity of the healing process, adjusting to a new diagnosis, and realizing the importance of making changes and allowing the body sufficient rest to recuperate and stabilize.

After being completely ignored for 5 months and feeling neglected despite our 2-year relationship, I was able to move on and close that chapter in my life. It made me realize my self-worth and understand that this person is too absorbed in their own world to see beyond themselves. I cannot force people to change or see their actions, as they may live in a fantasy. This experience has shed light on the dating world; it's time to let go of the Disney fairy tale and face the reality. We've been misled by an unrealistic portrayal of relationships and love. Encountering a lack of respect and values, alongside smooth talkers who reveal their true colors, has been an eye-opening journey.

  • Men we dont want to see your willy before your even said hello,

  • Men what on earth is wrong with your commuincation have you forgotton to use words

  • Men instead of ghosting just be straight up with your intentions and be twat waffle

  • Men if you want a hook up dont act like prince charming, say all the right stuff and boom your turned into the next douchebag

  • Men if you dont like curves dont act like you do and then make a complete dick of your self and say other

  • Men how on earth do you get to know someone f you have inbox full of other women

  • Men what happened to good ole fashion dating, and acting like a man not a hornbag for once

Just spillin' the tea here! It's not just me - who would've guessed Snapchat could turn into the new Tinder, right? I mean, imagine getting banned for keeping it real on Tinder that ws me! Dating these days is like a wild ride at the supermarket, going through the pick and mix asile - you never know what you're gonna get!

I am in the process of reimagining how I approach both business and life to manage more good days and fewer unpredictable ones that I have grown accustomed to handling. Reflecting on my first market experience, numerous business opportunities, and encounters with inspiring individuals in Juice Plus, along with crazy adventures, a first date, and attending a concert to see my favorite bands, March has been full of memorable experiences. Embracing the autumn seasons of life offers a profound journey of self-discovery and personal development. Just like the vibrant colors of autumn, these phases in our lives are rich with potential and valuable lessons if we are willing to embrace the range of emotions and insights they bring. Ultimately, similar to the cycle of seasons, our lives follow a cyclical path, where after every autumn, the promise of spring emerges with new beginnings and possibilities.


Hello April


March Madness - 30 days of habits