Sailing through fresh hurdles!

The last 24 hours have been quite challenging, and I feel like I've completely fallen off the radar. The realization of how much my life has change hit me hard. I had numerous plans and business tasks to accomplish, but I just couldn't gather myself together. My head feels like it's about to explode, and for the first time, I'm somewhat fearful of what the future holds for me right now. Every day seems to bring something new and uncertain.

After just two counseling sessions, today was a challenging one for me. I've been diagnosed with PTSD, and you know what? That's okay. I've faced some tough challenges, and honestly, I feel fortunate to have overcome them. As I sit here, surrounded by the sounds of birds and nature, I find comfort in knowing that I will be alright. It's time to heal the parts that still cause pain and impact my life. I am confident that with time, I will transform into a completely different person, and the life I am building will gradually unfold.

Numerous individuals navigate life burdened with unresolved issues that permeate various aspects of their existence, impacting their well-being, relationships, parenting style, values, and self-perception. These unresolved matters gradually erode the core of one's being, resulting in profound changes that can overwhelm individuals. This overwhelming burden may manifest in various detrimental forms like addiction, criminal behavior, fractured families, suicide, depression, and a myriad of other challenges.

The PTSD has been there most of life and i never knew that till today and how there are stages and how much it has affected my life and i was unaware. I's a powerful realization when we come to understand the impact that PTSD has had on our lives. Recognizing the stages and effects can be the first step towards healing and finding ways to cope. Remember, you are not alone in this journey. Seeking support from loved ones, therapy, or support groups can make a big difference in your healing process. Be kind to yourself as you navigate through this discovery, and know that there is hope for a brighter tomorrow.


Intro to Ayurveda


February Challange - Raise your vibration