Growing and Practicing a Postitve Mindset

Repost from old Blog

Lets have a look at postitive mindset, you have heard the ole saying.

Do you tend to see the glass, as half empty or half  full ?

Did you know this particular question and the way you answer it relates to weather you have a postitive or negative outlook on life. Postitive thinking plays a huge role in our lives and how we approach lifes challanges.

Lets look at postitive thinking and the different ways that make up positive thinking.

  • when you have to deal with negative news or stressful situations that are negative you still seem to find a postitive outlook. You dont get consumes by it and can look past it.

  • Acknowledge and process the negative aspects but you know that you will get through it

  • Been a postitive thinker always assumes the best intentions from others instead of thinking the worst.

Self talk is a good start to postitive thinking, the thoughts that are going through out head does not stop, but by practicing postitve thinking and bring more mindfullness in your life,  you can lessen the negative.

Benefits of Postitive thinking

Able to manage stressful situtions better, have better coping skills to stressful moments.

  • Lower the risk of depression

  • Your immune system becomes stronger

  • Lowers the risk of heart disease and heart attacks

  • Lowers blood pressure

  • Problem solving improves

  • Have more of abilty to adapt to change

  • Allows creative thinking

  • Few less mood swings

  • Have stronger leadership skills

Postitive thinking takes practice and you will have wobbles along the way so be kind to yourself and here are simple things to add to your daily and will help improve postitive thinking.

  • Remember to be grateful

  • Get plenty of sleep

  • Accept situations as they are

  • what ares in your life do you need to work on

  • Always find the reason to laugh

  • Always keep it real


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