Find your why ?

This is my grandson is the ultimate motivation for me to take care of my health.

Find your why ? be really clear how you want this year to look like and leave all the excuses in behind.

My Little Moko: My Way

Meet my little Moko – he has become my why and one of the many reasons why I am determined to keep having good days. Living with chronic illness and pain is already an ongoing battle, but it's even harder when you have to cope with long-term effects from past trauma. Every day feels like a headache, some days I experience blurred vision, other days I feel dizzy, and sometimes my head is gripped by excruciating pain. Despite these challenges, I show up every day, because this little guy needs me to be his nanny, someone who can play with him, bake with him, watch movies, and even sit on the floor. Two years ago, I couldn't be that person. I could barely walk and was heavily reliant on medication to eat and manage my pain. I had trouble breathing, my weight was out of control, and fluid was building up in my body, with three systems working against me: immune, nervous and lymphatic. But now, my little Moko has become my motivation to keep going.

Discovering your "why" can be a powerful motivator for creating a fulfilling life. Once you have a clear idea of what drives you, developing healthy habits and investing in yourself will come naturally.


The Invisible Battle: Symptoms and Triggers of CPTSD and Dissociation


Self Acceptance