A tale of personal growth and solo adventures

It's been 18 days into February, and I've already embarked on some exciting adventures. Having an incredible travel companion by my side has truly enhanced my explorations. If you had asked me a year ago what I was up to, I would have honestly said that I was wasting my time and energy on things and people who didn't value me or the life I was building.

Invited to spend a week at the beach, connecting with new people, sharing my passion for cooking healthy options fostering connections among women, enjoying time with my daughter, standing in a field of my favorite flowers, witnessing breathtaking sunrises, and ending each day with a serene sunset.

Home beckoned me while I grappled with my recent diagnosis and contemplated the future. Reconnecting with friends, enjoying a picturesque camping spot, and witnessing one of the most breathtaking sunrises yet – beginning as a small orange blob and gradually illuminating the sky in stages.

i have offically started my journey to recovery and its all a bit over whelming and alot of different people involved and they are all doing something different. Then its been endless calls to ACC and having to re hash to story of my assult, the details and honestly its been exhausting. Having to come to terms and some weird sense of acceptance that life from this point forward has to be different and i need to rest for recovery to be sucessful.

I have recently begun therapy because, despite my efforts to improve myself, there are still some unresolved issues that need attention and are impacting my life. I am dealing with a mental health condition called PTSD, and I am accepting of it as it all falls into place. I want to emphasize to anyone facing similar struggles that seeking help is perfectly normal and nothing to be ashamed of. Sometimes, we need assistance in navigating our trauma and addressing our challenges.

I've been knee-deep in pondering the wild world of dating, having a good chuckle at the mysterious ways of men - mind-blowing stuff! Some folks out there are still carrying around some emotional baggage, lacking respect and a moral compass. I'm not just picking on men, these are just my personal bugbears. Where did good old communication and honesty disappear to? It feels like it vanished into thin air, leaving us with only one thing on the brain - getting those clothes off. Oh, the dating drama!


The thingy in my neck


Side Hustle Culture