Discover What Motivates You to Be Healthier

What motivates you to be healthier

We all made the new year resolutions we are going to get healthier 💪🥦

  • There a new diet fad and your jumped on it only to last a few weeks

  • Signed up to a gym and only last a few weeks 💪

  • Join walking groups and it only last a few weeks

  • Started a cool new diet supplement, and it only lasts a few weeks

Can you see a pattern here ???

One simple word motivation, we all have struggled to reach those personal goals, and we all have given up because it's too hard. It comes down to lack of self motivation. The motivation process works when a person develops a strong reason to accomplishing something or acting in a certain way.

For me personally I learnt very quickly to be a self motivator, I have always been quite a goal focused person, it also has a sad side because I only had me to relie on and have had lot of trust issues, its always been me raising my children 😔then becoming sick this drove me to be motivated person because I refuse to let it define me as a person.

Find what motivates you

We are all motivated in different ways, and it's finding that one thing that you have in head, a clear image to keep you motivated. According to research, people are motivated by fun, rewarding, approval from others, personal beliefs, and personal goals.

For me, it has always been my children. Now they older it's my handsome grandson, and I to manage my health better.

Simple ways to keep motivated

♥️Feel good about yourself today

Be around people who will motivate and uplift you. Be around the people that encourage you and encourage healthy habits.

♥️Rethink your role model

Select postitive role models and choose the role model that's going to help you feel good.

♥️Know what makes you overeat

Mood and food are connected, do you use food to comfort yourself in crap times, write some notes, find ways to cope that don't involve food, maybe go for a walk, ring a friend

♥️Make simple changes

Always start small and make small changes
Add more water to your daily and lessen your coffee intake

♥️Forgive yourself

We all fall off the wagon. We all make stuff ups don't be too hard on yourself. It’s ok to go on holiday and indulge.

♥️Find your support system

The ones that are going to cheer you on, the ones that are going to help you on your journey, that reason to keep going

♥️Get moving

Don't sit get moving, moving heals the body get outside start walking, get amoungst nature

♥️Celebrate the wins

Just like children, we like to be rewarded to celebrate each day as a win

Being a self motivator is key to creating a happy, healthy life.


The Power of Grounding


5 Powerful Ways to Stay Motivated on Your Health Journey