A guide to unpacking and overcoming trauma

Healing from within

Is the topic for July and this topic is personal to me as im on my own journey of healing and breaking the stigma around mental health , Seeking therapy is a valuable step, and it's perfectly fine not to be okay. If people truly grasped the impact of remaining unhealed and the strain it puts on the body, they may perceive healing differently.I have a long road of recovery and learning how to live differently, The unaddressed trauma I've carried has led to negative physical reactions, exacerbated my illness symptoms, and significantly affected my health. Despite undertaking various courses for self-improvement, therapy played a crucial role in my recovery from a brain injury.

Healing from trauma is a journey that requires courage and self-compassion. In this guide, we'll explore ways to unpack and overcome past wounds. Let's delve into the transformative power of healing from within.


The Long Road to Healing: Understanding Unhealed Trauma


The Power of Self-Compassion