From Pain to Power - The Journey of being Beautifully Broken

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When Thoughts Lead to Reflections

Exploring the Power of Self-Reflection

Have you ever found yourself lost in thought, only to come out of it feeling like you've gained a deeper understanding of yourself and the world around you? Our thoughts have a powerful way of guiding us towards self-reflection, a process that can lead to personal growth, insight, and transformation.

The Power of Thought

Our thoughts are constantly running through our minds, shaping our perceptions, beliefs, and actions. They can be fleeting, random, or deeply introspective. When we allow ourselves to delve into our thoughts, we open the door to a world of self-discovery and contemplation.

The Art of Self-Reflection

Self-reflection is the process of looking inward, examining our thoughts, emotions, and behaviors with a curious and non-judgmental eye. It allows us to gain insights into our motivations, values, and goals, helping us make more informed decisions and live a more authentic life.

How Thoughts Lead to Reflections

When we pay attention to our thoughts, we start to notice patterns, themes, and underlying beliefs that shape our experiences. A thought that triggers a strong emotional response can be a powerful prompt for reflection, inviting us to explore the reasons behind our reactions and uncovering deeper layers of our psyche.

I enjoy reflecting on past experiences, especially when revisiting old blog posts. One post that particularly struck a chord with me was written back in August 2021. It's interesting how the questions I asked myself then still resonate with me today. Looking back at the beginning of my healing journey and comparing it to where I am now, there's been a significant transformation. I've moved on from an abusive relationship, relocated, and grown as a person. While one constant is my practice of reflection and allowing thoughts to flow, I now focus more on addressing negative thoughts.

August 2021 Reflection

I'm engaging in my weekly reflection practice, which is new to me. Finding a quiet space, I always have music playing because it brings a sense of peace. Instead of dwelling on the negatives, I focus on how I can improve. I make it a point to acknowledge my accomplishments and reflect on the challenges I faced.

My first reflection is on how life can change quickly, the more you heal, as your mind changes your sending different vibes out, I have been asking my self latley:

  • What does love feel like ?

  • What is love ?

  • How I want a relationship ?

  • How the heck do you date with multiple illness ?

While navigating this journey, I am also evolving and redefining my perspective on relationships and what constitutes a healthy one. Reflecting on my past three significant relationships, I have learned valuable lessons. I deserve the best treatment, respect, genuine affection, understanding, and a deep connection right from the beginning. I am determined never to tolerate disrespect or any form of mistreatment.

Reflection two is about how flawed and how my emotions were shaken about. Even thou my relationship ended I still keep on eye on my exs son, the sad part about this in four years I did more for them then there own father and yesterday I learnt how selfish someone can be. My step son lives with my daughter and their partners and we have been going through alot with him, yesterday this kid snaps and decides that life's not Worth living let alone the abuse that spews out of his mouth at his partner, sadly it's a huge trigger and my aniexty levels go up that is exactly what my life was the insults, yelling, crying,hurt and feeling trapped all came back, my heart breaks because she has accepted that's ok, currently the situation is I had to have him sectioned under the mental health act and in a mental ward getting some much needed help, he's so angry at me for doing it, and not once did his dad make contact and even show a sign of care, this poor child never had chance even before he was born exposed to drugs and alcohol raised by his grandparents, mum never to be seen and the dad can't be bothered there so much hate and this kid has carried it for years, I'm grateful he's still here but has long way to go.

Reflection three is something my shrink said that's played on my mind, he's been telling me I don't need to be busy all the time and take time to rest. Hmmm what does he mean by that. That night I did my normal, I switched off had my music playing, my happy medicine,doing my reflecting and then it clicked this is what he means by rest. I want to really stress how important it is even if it it's only hour, put the phone down and and actually switch off, it's amazing what it can do for your mind and give you a better sleep, it's good time to think about life and goals or just to refocus. Today is the start of rest Sundays I have had not much choice today because of my pain levels, I have enjoyed listening to music, happy medicine, couple drinks, Netflix and added bonus dinner was cooked for me, I was able to rest and reflect my week the highs the lows and my achievements. I strongly recommend to make a day for your self and rest and forget about the world.

One of the reasons I advocate for journal writing is to address the misconception that it is foolish or time-consuming. Everyone has the time; it's about how you choose to utilize it. Reflecting on my entries, I realized I designated Sundays as a day of rest. I discovered that my constant busyness was due to avoidance and living in survival mode. Unfortunately, I distanced myself from a troubled individual who became increasingly violent and harmed their former partner. I do not endorse such behavior, especially after all the support provided to them. Life has since taken a different, slower, and quieter pace.

Benefits of Self-Reflection

Engaging in regular self-reflection can have so many of benefits. It can help us gain clarity on our values and priorities, improve our emotional intelligence, enhance our problem-solving skills, and foster a greater sense of self-awareness and self-compassion.

Self-reflection fosters a profound sense of self-awareness. By regularly examining our thoughts, feelings, and behaviors, we can identify their core values, passions, and areas needing improvement. This heightened awareness enables us to make more authentic choices that align with their true selves, leading to a more fulfilling and purposeful life.

It plays a crucial role in emotional intelligence. Self-reflection allows us to recognize and understand our emotions, as well as how we impact others. This understanding is key to managing emotions effectively, enhancing empathy, and improving communication skills. Consequently, individuals become better equipped to navigate social interactions and maintain healthy relationships.

Self-reflection is instrumental in goal setting and personal development. By evaluating past actions and outcomes, we can identify what strategies have been effective and what areas require change. This process not only helps in setting realistic and achievable goals but also promotes a growth mindset, encouraging continuous learning and resilience in the face of challenges.

Self-reflection is a powerful tool for personal transformation. It enables us to live more consciously, improve interpersonal skills, and pursue growth with intention and clarity.

Tips for Practicing Self-Reflection

  1. Mindfulness Practice: Practice regular mindfulness practice to become more attuned to your thoughts and emotions.

  2. Journaling: Keep a journal to document your thoughts, feelings, and reflections. Writing can help clarify your thoughts and track your personal growth over time.

  3. Seek Feedback: Ask for feedback from trusted friends, family members