From Pain to Power - The Journey of being Beautifully Broken

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Alternative to Pharmaceutical

Part One

have been exploring alternative medicine for a few years, which has introduced me to incredible individuals and encouraged me to keep an open mind. Additionally, I have been on a yoga journey for a couple of years. iI have explored mirimiri, reiki, sound healing, and meditation practices. Delving into the realm of wholefood products has transformed my health significantly, especially since I am chronically ill and used to have a significant energy drink habit.I used to consume less caffeine and opt for fast food. Two years later, I have stopped taking all pain medication and now only take two tablets. instead of 10.

When I fell ill, I was surprised by doctors' tendency to rely on medications, hoping they would resolve the issue. If that didn't work, they would try something else. I felt like a guinea pig, trying numerous medications that either had minimal effect or caused new problems down the road. This dilemma made me question the effectiveness of pharmaceuticals versus alternative options. I witnessed firsthand the impact of prescribed drugs on myself and those I cared for, particularly in mental health cases where pills were often the first resort instead of exploring the root cause. Many have expressed feeling worse, becoming dependent on medication, or experiencing no positive effects. This led me to ponder: what is the better choice – alternative or pharmaceutical? Let's delve into alternative medicine. In my personal exploration (thanks to good old Google), alternative medicine focuses on five aspects: the mind and body, biologically-based treatments, manipulative and body-based methods, and energy therapies. While I may not have all the answers, it's intriguing to consider these alternative approaches.

  • mind and body this things like relaxation, medication, yoga, tai chi and hypnosis looking after your mental health the thoughts,feelings and beliefs and many more other things can effect the mind then this can effect the rest of the body.

  • biologically based treatments are things like sound energy, light therapy, magnetic therapy the use of nature herbs, foods these can help strengthen, heal and balance the body

  • Manipulative and body base methods where you use a chiropractor and massage therapy this manipulates parts in the body to move or manipulate to relief stress, anxiety, pain

  • Energy therapies are where you use reiki, healing and therapeutic touch this to balance the energy flow in a person can help with anxiety and reducing stress.

So this is my first part to this topic and ill be adding to this each day as its a topic that im passionate about and one where im more sitting on the fence to is alternative better than pharmaceutical, tomorrow ill talk about a awesome Maori health model that i use in my line of work as a support worker looking after people with mental health and disabilities and i talk about Maori medicine known as Rongoa and wee bit of history and the benefits something i been studying as i can implement this in my own journey and have a better understanding of Maori culture.