From Pain to Power - The Journey of being Beautifully Broken

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Unraveling the Connection

Understanding the Physical Impact of Emotions

Throughout my journey of self-discovery and healing, I discovered the impact of trapped emotions within the body and how they affect me. Dealing with chronic illness and persistent pain has been a significant learning experience for me. This journey has enabled me to better manage my health and taught me to pay attention to my body and lifestyle choices.

Exploring alternative methods for healing, I have combined Maori health practices and Reiki to release long-held emotions resulting from years of abuse, trauma, and life's ups and downs. Imagine carrying years of emotional weight, stemming from past experiences and how we manage these emotions. Everyone carries emotional baggage, some heavier than others, from past traumas, negative life events, relationships, careers, and general life experiences.

How are Emotions Held in the Body?

  • When faced with a frightening situation, the body initiates the fight-flight-freeze response.

  • Emotions are felt through associated thoughts, creating a link between the mind and body.

  • The emotional processing takes place.

  • The feelings stem from the nervous system's signals.

  • Disruptions in this process can lead to emotions getting trapped.

Trapped emotions are akin to the inner conflict we experience, representing a battle between our true self and a false self that inhibits expression.

The Negative Impact:

  • Impaired decision-making

  • Depression

  • Fatigue

  • Stress and anxiety

  • Self-sabotage

Where Do Emotions Store in the Body?

  • Cardiovascular System

  • Skeletomuscular System

  • Neuroendocrine System

  • Autonomic Nervous System

This is where learning to listen to your body and paying attention is so important and learning this is key.

Feelings put in a simple way

Negative Emotions:

  • Stress, anger, and shame

Positive Emotions:

  • Happiness, love, and pride


  • Attention and perception


  • Regulated internal state


  • Somatic state

Physical Manifestations of Emotions and Their Connections:

  • Anxiety: Shortness of breath, dry mouth, sweating

  • Anger: Clenched fists, feeling hot, clenched jaw

  • Joy: Butterflies, warm fuzzies, happy

  • Sadness: Tightness in the chest, tired, heaviness in the body

  • Fear: Fast breathing, increased heart rate, dizziness

Our emotions, thoughts, and physical well-being are interconnected, forming numerous connections within our bodies. It is essential to tune into your body, listen to it, and prioritize maintaining mental and physical health.