From Pain to Power - The Journey of being Beautifully Broken

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My $60 dollar Investment

My turning point in transforming a hobby into building my dream business was simply saying "yes" and investing $60. I realized I didn't need much to start as everything was already done for me all I required was a desire to learn, venture out of my comfort zone, embrace networking, stay committed to learning, and show up daily.

Being a member of the Health Style Emporium and Juice Plus has unveiled a world of opportunities for me to explore. It has significantly contributed to my personal growth and supported me on my individual journey.

Having an amazing team that supports, trains, and provides endless opportunities for personal growth is invaluable. Offering a product that has personally helped me with my health issues, and that I believe can benefit everyone, is fulfilling. What truly stands out for me is our approach to health and wellness, focusing on a holistic way of living.

It appears that everything revolves around weight – take a product and lose a specific amount, track your calories, exercise a set amount, and the cycle goes on. It's disheartening when individuals get caught in this loop without seeing results or become overly fixated on a certain lifestyle, leading to unhealthy habits.

Through my experiences with work, interacting with my people, and exploring aspects like weight loss, I have gained a clearer understanding. It all begins with your mindset, followed by your lifestyle and surroundings.

Prioritize your well-being by dedicating time to self-reflection and embracing honesty. Embarking on a health journey involves addressing the mind, body, and soul. I've faced challenges with weight management, trying various products and altering habits, but nothing proved lasting because I approached my health journey incorrectly. Before realizing this, my health deteriorated, leading to multiple diagnoses, strained relationships, resurfacing anxiety, reverting to old habits, regaining weight, and being stuck in a negative cycle once more.

i have learnt and some thing i pass on to the people i help its starts with the mnd first and doing some some much healing within yourself and the rest will follow.

If health and wellness is some thing your passion about or maybe your own journey, i love to hear from you, im always looking for the right teamies and together we can make differernce in someones life.

If you are passionate about health and wellness or it's part of your personal journey, I'd be thrilled to hear from you. I am constantly looking for the right team members, and together, we can positively impact someone's life, or maybe your looking at kick starting your health journey.

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