From Pain to Power - The Journey of being Beautifully Broken

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Entering the next Chapter

I trust the process and have found my direction

Entering 2024, I had clear intentions and big goals, anticipating life's inevitable changes. This year was meant to be my quietest yet, where my dreams would come true. Unexpectedly, I faced new challenges and found myself falling into a dark hole, reminiscent of Alice in Wonderland. Unsure of when I will hit the bottom or what awaits me, it feels like a surreal journey.

As im falling down this hole im literally disconnecting from the world the life i was i once knew was disappearing i have never felt more alone and unsure, im diagonised with PTSD, endless paperwork and reliving my abuse, haiuling my self into therapy, dealing with the demons, been told i have a mild mental brain injury and im just falling its dark and im like i just dont have stregth to keep fighting another battle, im exhausted, im tired and im over it and as im falling everything from the past comes flooding back in and i feel the darkness taken over and suffocating me and im at that point where ii could go or just trust what at that bottom.

At that moment, I feel like everything is running on high gear. I've overcome numerous challenges, built a beautiful online presence, have something valuable to share, my kids, grandson, and those people i help. Encouragement from the people I've encountered along the way keeps me going. I'm excited about sharing my journey, discovering new beautiful places, meeting new people, experiencing moments, celebrating achievements. This marks my farewell to the old life; I am now ready to create the life I desire, on my own terms.

I've hit the bottom and I'm starting fresh, ready to embrace the process and whatever life has in store for me. I've completely revamped my website with a new look and enhanced online learning space. It's still a work in progress, so please be patient. One key focus for me is figuring out what I truly want to do and how I can best help peope.

Moving forward and finally figure out what i really want to focus

  • Navigating life with chronic Illness

  • Investing in your Health

  • How you can start your wellness journey

  • Leading a team and giving someone a buisness opportunity and mentorship

  • Growing my beautiful womens group Blooming Babes Collective

I look forward to this next chapter and if you wan to be part of this journey dont forget to subscribed and find me on most socials.