From Pain to Power - The Journey of being Beautifully Broken

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The Power of Mornings

How to Create an Ultimate Morning Routine

Not everyone is a morning person, and I'll admit they can be especially challenging for me. Sometimes my mind is raring to go, but my body is saying, "Not today."😀

Consider these questions and take some time to reflect. I recommend journaling as a way to embark on a journey of self-discovery. Whether you review it daily or periodically, it can help you stay on track and focused.

Back to these questions 💭💭

  • Are you the one who hits Snooze a lot ?

  • Are you skipping breakfast ?

  • Are you always feeling rushed in the morning ?

  • Are you disorganized in the morning ?

  • Is your mood low in the mornings ?

If you can relate to these feelings and find yourself facing difficulties in the morning, have you observed how tumultuous your day can become? Sometimes, it can spiral into a complete train wreck, leaving you at your boiling point.

It begins by crafting your ideal morning routine, the one that will shape your day and fill you with positivity and warmth.

Make time to pause, get your journal ready, and embark on crafting your perfect morning 🌄.

Please select your top 5 items from the list below. Whether you are currently practicing them or aiming to incorporate them into your daily morning routine for the next 7 days, utilize your journal to stay on track. Record your feelings, what is effective, and any challenges you encounter.

Wee tip ✅️

Prepare some of your morning essentials the night before, and you'll be surprised at how much smoother your mornings can be. This simple tip can save you time, keep you organized, and even allow you to savor a cup of coffee outdoors in the sunshine.

💥Make your lunch in the evening

💥Make a to-do list for the next day

💥Prepare your medication in the evening

💥Check your diary calendar

💥Put a load of washing on

💥Do the kids lunches at night and have their bags ready

💥Have your stuff ready thar you will need for the day

The benefits of morning routine ✨️

How you spend the morning influences the rest of your day, keeps you in the right frame of mind for the day

  • Improves productivity

  • Lowers stress

  • Feel more in control

  • Develops healthy habits

  • Boosts your energy levels

  • Improves relationships

  • Confidence boost

  • More organized

  • Less rush

  • Enjoy the small things